Oro trains Ryu by using his mystical powers to keep a massive boulder steady on his back, working to push his physical body to its limits. Disappointed that Ryu's belongings are just garments, Oro declares that instead Ryu shall be his apprentice and will help him discover his power of soul. Identifying and refining Ryu's chi manipulation with an attack of his own, the Yagyou Dama, Oro overwhelms Ryu and is victorious. During the fight, Oro reveals that he knows of Ryu's search for his power of soul and determines that he has already found it after witnessing Ryu's power, but that Ryu simply doesn't know it yet. Ryu accepts, Oro surprises him with his mystical powers and skills, proving to be more than just an ordinary hermit.

Ryu easily senses Oro's presence and calmly asks for them back, only to have Oro challenge Ryu for the right to his belongings. Later, while Ryu is napping, the hermit Oro attempts to rob Ryu of his belongings. Determined to find his own power of soul, Ryu soon departs. Ken chides Ryu that his newfound strength comes from his family, something that he could never have achieved by himself and that Ryu will have to find his own strength on his own. Ken claims to have become a true martial artist, finally finding his “power of soul”, his inner strength that manifested after nearly dying at the hands of Gill. After the two rivals catch up, Ryu and Ken engage in a rematch with Ken overwhelming Ryu before his wife Eliza and their son, Mel. Sean expresses concern to Ryu about his master, believing that recently Ken has gotten soft and it has diminished his overall fighting prowess.
Months later, Ryu and Ken's disciple, Sean, visit Ken and his family on his flashy sea cruiser. Revving up his power, Gill announces to Ken that he will soon taste the power of a “god” and both fighters clash.

Gill is unimpressed by Ken's ambition for using him as a stepping stone towards surpassing Ryu, but nevertheless obliges. Meanwhile, Ken tracks down Gill and challenges him to a fight. Some time after the events of Street Fighter Alpha and Sakura Ganbaru!, an older Ryu is training by Shujyaku Temple, revisiting memories of his adolescent training with Ken Masters, his past struggles with the Dark Hadou and his overall mission of becoming a true martial artist.